#036A San Rafael - "The Shining One Who Heals"

#036A San Rafael - "The Shining One Who Heals"

Quick Overview

"The Shining One Who Heals." For physical and spiritual well being.One of the four Archangels sent to help Humanity. He is an angel of Compassion, Knowledge and Humor.  "Glorious Archangel Rafael, Prince of the Heavenly...

Size :

"The Shining One Who Heals." For physical and spiritual well being.
One of the four Archangels sent to help Humanity. He is an angel of Compassion, Knowledge and Humor. 

"Glorious Archangel Rafael, Prince of the Heavenly Court, you are illustrious for your wisdom and grace. Your name meaning 'The Shining One Who Heals', you are the source of spiritual and physical well-being. Intercede for me at the Throne of Divine Mercy, spreading your wings around me and all those who suffer, bringing healing and peace in our hour of need."

Specific Sizes - Width x Height

Pocket - 1 1/2" x 3 1/2"
Ornament - 2 1/2" x 5 3/4"
Small - 3 1/2" x 7 7/8"
Large - 4 1/2" x 12 3/8"