#159 St. John the Apostle - Writers, Love, Loyalty, Friendship & Care Givers

#159 St. John the Apostle - Writers, Love, Loyalty, Friendship & Care Givers

Quick Overview

St. John the Apostle - ** 6 AD - 100 ADFeast Day: December 27 One of Jesus’s 12 disciples. Jesus called him ‘The Beloved’. Jesus said, while dying on the cross ‘Behold your mother” John cared for Mary...

Size :

St. John the Apostle - **

6 AD - 100 AD
Feast Day: December 27

One of Jesus’s 12 disciples. Jesus called him ‘The Beloved’. Jesus said, while dying on the cross ‘Behold your mother” John cared for Mary until her death. He was writer of a Gospel and perhaps writer of 3 Epistles and the Book of  Revelations.

"St. John, you whom laid your head upon Jesus’ breast and cared for Jesus’ mother Mary until her death. With love, loyalty and friendship, help me to  be of loving and patient  service as I care for (insert name). My gratitude is always yours."

Specific Sizes - Width x Height

Pocket - 1 1/2" x 2 3/4"
Ornament - 2 1/2" x 4 3/4"
Small - 3 1/2" x 6 1/2"
Large - 5 1/2" x 10 1/4"